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Legendary creature. EXTREMELY RARE

Image of the amazing andres

Here we have an Andres(above) He is a Water type

This legendary creature is only found in the depths of Chess Discords and can only be found if challenged to a 1v1 chess match.

Special moves
  • Math formulae - Causes confusion to opponent.
  • Quadratic spree - Makes opponent sleep
  • Old man move - Causes himself to sleep to regain HP

    -and a spanish origin meaning 'spanish'

    a japanese origin meaning 'chessdork'

    Stat Range
    At Lv. 50 At Lv. 100
    HP: 100
    160 - 207 310 - 404
    Attack: 120
    112 - 189 220 - 372
    Defense: 120
    112 - 189 220 - 372
    Sp.Atk: 150
    139 - 222 274 - 438
    Sp.Def: 100
    94 - 167 184 - 328
    Speed: 90
    85 - 156 166 - 306
    Total: 680